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Challenge | 1-2 Weeks

“School’s back, it’s weird”


broll challenge

Just because students are back in school during the pandemic, doesn’t mean everything is back to normal. Far from it. It’s time for adults to see what school is really like for you right now. SRL wants to see your new normal at school going into 2022. This includes all the ups and downs, and the large and small ways the social aspects of school have changed for you. For example, do you have to sit in an assigned seat everyday at lunchtime? Can you interact with your friends like you used to? How have you changed? This is a creative video diary and b-roll CHALLENGE.

MAX VIDEO LENGTH WE ARE ACCEPTING IS 2 MINUTES. Hook an audience with compelling audio and video of what life is like at school for you now. Use your creativity with this assignment and give us a window into your world.

Go HERE for step-by-step instructions

Why is this a B-roll Challenge?

A good video diary, explainer, or social media clip could be taken to the next level with some great b-roll!

Use b-roll as the VISUAL REPRESENTATION of your story. Pull out your camera and capture your experiences by recording b-roll of your surroundings and what you're talking about.


Tips for capturing b-roll

  1. Make a LIST of potential shots
  2. Record multiple ANGLES of the action/scene, shoot in sequences
  3. Use a TRIPOD if possible
  4. Record each shot for at least 15 SECONDS
  5. Record NAT SOUNDS



Journalism is the activity of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information.

Source: American Press institute

Natural sound

Sounds produced in their actual setting. Natural sound, commonly known as NAT sound, puts the viewer in the place the story was told by enhancing the scene(s) with video containing rich audio such as a musician singing at a train station, a storm approaching, or the sound of a tractor plowing the field.


The supplemental footage used to visually support your A-ROLL.

Search: broll.

Earth and Human Activity

Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the availability of natural resources, occurrence of natural hazards, and changes in climate have influenced human activity. (NGSS HS-ESS3-1)

Participation and Deliberation

Civics teaches the principles—such as adherence to the social contract, consent of the governed, limited government, legitimate authority, federalism, and separation of powers—that are meant to guide official institutions such as legislatures, courts, and government agencies. (NCSS D2.Civ.7.9-12 - D2.Civ.10.9-12)

Digital Citizenship

Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical. (ISTE)

Demonstrate the use of basic tools and equipment used in audio, video and film production.

Creative Communicator

Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals. (ISTE)



Video Production







Camera or Mobile Phone


Mobile Phone


Estimated Time

1-2 Weeks